Brain teaser

Smart break, open brainstorming, online quiz brain teaser.

The longer, the thinner, the sadder, the shorter, the thicker, the better.
Who is the owner of the sea?
What is ten plus ten, minus ten or ten?
A Yong always procrastinate in doing things, but the higher authorities always commend him. Why?
Why did Tong Tong and Zhuang Zhuang insist that Zhuang Zhuang grew up drinking goat's milk when they first met?
After Azhu got married, why would you rather sleep on the floor than sleep on the water bed with your husband?
What is clearly yours, but others use much more than you?
Where is the narrowest road?
What does an elephant's left ear look like?
When can children meet side by side?
What was Adam's greatest regret after he and Eve got married?
What kind of competition, the winner will not get the prize, but the loser will get the prize?

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