Brain teaser

Smart break, open brainstorming, online quiz brain teaser.

There are five candles, you blew out three, and how many more?
What always says it will come, but it never comes?
What eggs can't be beaten, cooked, can be seen but not eaten
What eggs are you not eating?
What egg can walk, jump and talk?
A full glass of wine, how can I drink the bottom of the glass first?
Which is heavier than a kilo of cotton or a kilo of iron?
What water will never run out?
What is broken will not be punished but will be rewarded?
An ordinary watch has just fallen into the sea, will it stop?
Pingping put the fish in the fish tank. The fish died in less than ten minutes. Why?
An old man has only three hairs left on his head. One day he will attend an important banquet. Why does he still pull out one of his hairs with pain?

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