online image compression

Compress jpg and png images in different levels

Please upload a JPG or PNG image

File upload method:

1. Click the upload button above, select the file and confirm.

2. Drag the file to the dotted window.

3. Use the screenshot software screenshot to return to this page Ctrl V paste.

Original image:{{item.extAttr.sourceSizeDesc}}
New picture:{{item.extAttr.compressSizeDesc}}

Exciting extreme image compression experience

Maximum compression of JPG and PNG images without changing the image size

Mild Comparison before and after compression Reduce 57% Compression from 401KB to 172KB

Comparison chart before and after compression
Comparison chart before and after compression

Moderate Comparison before and after compression Reduce 74% Compressed from 401KB to 106KB

Comparison chart before and after compression
Comparison chart before and after compression

Strong Comparison before and after compression Reduce 82% Compressed from 401KB to 75.4KB

Comparison chart before and after compression
Comparison chart before and after compression

Extremely strong Comparison before and after compression Reduce 90% Compressed from 401KB to 40.7KB

Comparison chart before and after compression
Comparison chart before and after compression
Function introduction

In recent years, with the popularity of social media and the rapid development of the Internet, pictures have become an indispensable part of people's lives. Whether it is the sharing of photos in the circle of friends or the display of product pictures in business demonstrations, the frequency of use of pictures is getting higher and higher. However, high-resolution images often cause files to be too large, which reduces the loading speed of web pages and brings bad experience to users. In order to solve this problem, the wisdom tool library launched a new online image compression tool.

This online image compression tool with its efficient, convenient and diverse features, quickly received the user's welcome and praise. With just a few simple steps, users can easily balance the image quality and file size, and improve the image loading speed and user experience.

First of all, users only need to upload the images that need to be compressed to the online image compression tool of the smart tool library. Whether it is from a mobile phone photo album or a photo on a computer hard drive, it can be easily uploaded to the tool.

Next, users can choose the appropriate compression ratio according to their own needs. The tool library provides a number of different compression ratio options, users can choose the appropriate compression ratio according to the purpose and needs of the image. The higher the compression ratio, the smaller the file size of the picture, but it will also have a certain impact on the quality of the picture.

In addition to the choice of compression ratio, the online image compression tool of the wisdom tool library also provides the function of adjusting the size of the picture. Users can easily adjust the size of the picture according to their needs to adapt to different platforms and needs. Whether it is an avatar photo on social media or a product display on the web, users can adjust the size according to the specific situation.

Finally, the user only needs to click the compression button, and the online image compression tool of the smart tool library will automatically compress the image. Users can instantly preview the compressed effect and download and save it. The compressed image not only retains high quality, but also reduces the file size, greatly improving the image loading speed and user experience.

The online image compression tool of the smart tool library not only supports common image formats, such as JPEG and PNG, but also supports more professional formats, such as WEBP, and dynamic image formats, such as GIF. This allows the user to further reduce the storage space occupied by the picture without losing the quality of the picture.

The online image compression tool of the smart tool library is not only suitable for individual users, but also very suitable for enterprise users. For individual users, they can easily share high-quality images on social media without worrying about slow loading. For business users, they can optimize product images, increase website loading speed, and enhance user experience, thereby increasing sales and brand image.

The online image compression tool of the smart tool library is committed to providing efficient and convenient services, so that users can better handle the contradiction between image quality and size. Through this tool, users can easily improve the image loading speed and improve the user experience. Both individuals and business users can benefit from it and enjoy a better picture sharing and display experience.

The wisdom tool library will always adhere to the principle of user first, continuously improve and optimize online image compression tools, and provide users with better services. In the future, the smart tool library will also launch more practical tools to provide users with more comprehensive and convenient solutions. Let's use the online image compression tool of the smart tool library to improve the image loading speed and user experience, and create a better Internet world!

Comments (360 in total)

江苏省南京市 2022-01-25 16:57
江苏省南京市 2022-01-25 16:57
智慧工具库 2022-01-25 22:52
山东省烟台市 2022-05-03 21:27
四川省成都市 2022-05-06 10:43
河南省新乡市 2022-05-09 09:02
我我 我
湖北省武汉市 2022-05-09 18:20
很好用 谢谢
辽宁省大连市 2022-05-10 12:16
江苏省南通市 2022-05-12 13:12
甘肃省张掖市 2022-05-13 12:51
上海市上海市 2022-05-14 16:55
上海市上海市 2022-05-14 16:55
未知 2022-05-16 18:25
非常方便,谢谢~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
未知 2022-05-16 18:25
非常方便,谢谢~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
广西壮族自治区河池市 2022-05-16 20:34
宁夏回族自治区银川市 2022-05-18 10:55
天津市天津市 2022-05-19 14:19
海南省海口市 2022-05-23 23:30
四川省成都市 2022-05-24 16:51
未知 2022-05-27 16:23
未知 2022-05-28 14:54
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