Brain teaser

Smart break, open brainstorming, online quiz brain teaser.

Why does a duck say it was born of a chicken?
The Dialogue between Chicken and Duck
What was Adam's mother-in-law doing when he married Eve?
Three birds lined up to study in the city. The first bird said, "I have two birds behind me!" The third bird said, "I have two birds in front of me!" Q: Why did the second bird say that there were no birds in front of me or behind me!
The family asked the doctor about the patient's condition. The doctor only raised 5 fingers and the family cried. Why?
Why is "seven up and eight down" seven above eight?
What is Apipo's English name...?
There was a pig who walked and walked and walked to England. What did he become?
IX --- This Roman numeral represents 9, how to add a pen to make it an even number?
There are family rules, state-owned national rules, what are the rules in the zoo?
Two dogs race, dog a runs fast, dog B runs slowly, which dog sweats more when running to the finish line?
There is a woman behind every successful man. What will be behind that failed man?

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