Grandpa Wang has 3 grandchildren. One day, he bought two small watermelons. He was thinking about how to divide the watermelons equally, but he couldn't think of a good way. At the door, neighbor Li Nainai said only three words, and grandpa Wang was sad and stretched. What did Grandma Li tell him?
David had a whim and asked his deskmate what was the earth without human beings and animals? What do you say?
Jia Jia and Xiao Mao were having a good time when suddenly she saw Xiao Mao getting smaller and smaller. Why?
What is the difference between the son of a dragon and the son of a dog?
Why didn't Xiao Ming die when he jumped into the river?
Tortoise and rabbit always wins the race. Which event should the rabbit insist on winning the tortoise?
What the hell does everyone like?
Which fruit has the worst eyesight?
Can you turn ice into water as fast as you can?
Lao Wang shaved his face forty or fifty times a day, but he still had a beard on his face. What is the reason?