Brain teaser

Smart break, open brainstorming, online quiz brain teaser.

Every morning, countless white-collar office workers will think about a serious problem that countless philosophers have been thinking about for thousands of years, but there has never been a standard answer?
What do black people call black food??
What is the most effective way to increase intelligence?
What food is produced in the east, south, west and north?
How can you put your left hand completely in the right trouser pocket you wear, while at the same time put your right hand completely in the left trouser pocket you wear?
What is more serious than the "spring leak?
What is the situation where one mountain can accommodate two tigers?
What has five heads, but people don't think it's strange?
What's the use of egg shells?
Why did Li Sheng upgrade to father-in-law without a daughter-in-law?
Why is his home in the west while he heads east?
What tigers don't eat people?

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